Monday, April 16, 2012

Storyboard complete

Storyboard 1: Firstly, you will see a close up image. 0-5s

Storyboard 2: Next, the board zooms out to see the girl sleeping. 5-10s

Storyboard 3: Scene switches to the clock; the red handle ticks. 10-15s

Storyboard 4: Scene switches again with the girl awake; her eyes move to look at the clock.15-20s

Storyboard 5: Girl suddenly shrinks down in her chair.20-30s

Storyboard 6: Girl slides off of her chair.30-40s

Storyboard 7: Girl lands on the floor and starts to run.40-45s

Storyboard 8: Giant hand appears from the left 45-50s

Storyboard 9: Hand extends out, and follows the girl as she runs away. 50-55s

Storyboard 10: girl still running, but runs across rotating clock gears.55-60s

Storyboard 11: Scene switches, and shows the girl awake again with her eyes glimmering *she was dreaming* 60-65s.