Monday, April 16, 2012

Storyboard complete

Storyboard 1: Firstly, you will see a close up image. 0-5s

Storyboard 2: Next, the board zooms out to see the girl sleeping. 5-10s

Storyboard 3: Scene switches to the clock; the red handle ticks. 10-15s

Storyboard 4: Scene switches again with the girl awake; her eyes move to look at the clock.15-20s

Storyboard 5: Girl suddenly shrinks down in her chair.20-30s

Storyboard 6: Girl slides off of her chair.30-40s

Storyboard 7: Girl lands on the floor and starts to run.40-45s

Storyboard 8: Giant hand appears from the left 45-50s

Storyboard 9: Hand extends out, and follows the girl as she runs away. 50-55s

Storyboard 10: girl still running, but runs across rotating clock gears.55-60s

Storyboard 11: Scene switches, and shows the girl awake again with her eyes glimmering *she was dreaming* 60-65s.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Portrait Characters

I will be doing:

1. Thumbelina, aka "Tiny" or "Mia: a beautiful little girl who is no bigger than her mother's thumb.

2. Thumbelina's mother: a woman who wanted a child very baldy


The mother toad: She stole Thumbelina from her home so she could marry her son.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Text for Calligram

Island Art Supply

Everyone does art, whether they realize it or not. Art is one of the most powerful ways of self expression and communication, from the past til the present. The 'Island Art Supply' store offers many supplies such as: paints, pencils, charcoals, clay and even more! Why not take the opportunity to communicate with others more with the supplies offered here? Express yourself, be an original individual! Don't want anything that we offer? Put in a special order; it's guaranteed that we'll get what you want if it's accessible! But what's so unique about our art store? We offer art programs, we show you how to use the materials you buy! We teach you the basics, and you can venture from there to explore the world of art! We also offer discounts for students, and people who buy products and are enrolled in our programs.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ilustrator Project

Island Art Supplies

A small store on Cayman Brac which sells art supplies, eg: drawing pencils, paint, brushes, canvas', clay, and more!  The store is open to people of all ages; if you put in a request for any type of art supply we don't have, we'll be happy to have them shipped in!

We also offer art programs for people who are interested!